Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Agribusiness, gross.

"In Mexico, state health authorities looking for the initial source of the outbreak toured a million-pig hog farm in Perote, in Veracruz State. The plant is half-owned by Smithfield Foods, an American company and the world’s largest pork producer." — New York Times, 28 April 2009

Pigs are not small animals. One million pigs probably weigh as much if not more than one million human beings, and ostensibly live in pig-squalor worse than the worst human squalor on Earth. I don't know this for a fact, I'm just guessing, and basing my guess on the fact that pigs are famous for rolling around in mud and shit (and also for being clean and highly intelligent, though I've never really bought this line of shameless propaganda). Hence the expression, "happy as a pig in shit."

I have to say, even though I have probably eaten a fair share of Smithfield pork, I find the idea of a one-million-strong pig farm pretty disgusting. I just hope that this swine flu doesn't blow up into a pandemic and give the two of the three major peoples of the book who follow anti-swine dietary restrictions an excuse to say, "I told you so." I can already sense the self-righteousness brewing around these parts, a smirk here, and wag of a finger there. "I told you so, but you wouldn't listen. It says right here in the [Koran/Torah], pigs are unclean, thou shalt not eat pepperoni pizza or saucisson."

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