Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sarkozy's funny convo. re: Avigdor Lieberman

Saw this bit about a conversation between French Pres. Nicolas Sarkozy and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in a NY Times article today and laughed out loud. I wish more reporting was this humorous. I also wish more reporters had access to fly-on-the-wall stories like this one.

When Mr. Lieberman visited France recently, Mr. Sarkozy declined to meet with him, although he routinely received Ms. Livni, who was foreign minister in the last government.

According to the newspaper Yediot Aharonot, Mr. Sarkozy told Mr. Netanyahu that he should remake his government so that he, Ms. Livni and the defense minister, Ehud Barak, could produce historic breakthroughs for Middle East peace. He was reported to have said, “I’ve always received Israeli foreign ministers. I met with Tzipi Livni in the Élysée Palace, but with that one I simply can’t meet. I’m telling you, you need to get rid of that man. Get him out of the government and bring in Livni. With her and with Barak you can make history.”

The paper said Mr. Netanyahu replied: “No need to exaggerate. Lieberman is a very nice person, and in private conversations he speaks differently.”

Mr. Sarkozy was reported to have replied, “In private conversations, Jean-Marie Le Pen is also a nice person.”

Mr. Sarkozy is said to have added of Mr. Lieberman, “Sometimes when I hear what he says I have the urge to pull out my hair.” He placed his hands on his head and grabbed hold of his hair.

1 comment:

Shmalex said...

Amusing conversation it is.

This entry just got me reading all about LePen.

Le Pen = La Honte

"« Les sidaïques, en respirant du virus par tous les pores, mettent en cause l'équilibre de la nation. (…) Le sidaïque, – si vous voulez, j'emploie ce mot-là, c'est un néologisme, il est pas très beau mais je n'en connais pas d'autre –, celui-là, il faut bien le dire, est contagieux par sa transpiration, ses larmes, sa salive, son contact. C'est une espèce de lépreux, si vous voulez »" Jean-Marie LePen