Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kid & Soldier in the Old City

The Old City is a tense, bustling place. Ultra-orthodox Jews and Muslims rush past one another in the narrow, tunnel-like streets and arcades on their way to Jerusalem's holiest sites: the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall. But the Old City is also a thriving bazaar, loaded with street vendors and curiosity shops, hawkers and panhandlers. In this photo, an Israeli soldier taking a break from patrolling the Old City haggles with a young Palestinian boy over the price of knock-off sunglasses.

Kid vendor and Israeli soldier, Damscus Gate, Old City, Jerusalem


poprage said...

Wow Elliot, never thought i would ever find you here on blogger =]

Very nice writings and photography man.

Mahmoud Shalabi.

Shmalex said...

I love the boy's face and pose. Looks like he's been in business for a while and knows what he's doing.