Sunday, October 19, 2008

Magical Happenings

I've been too see a couple of really cool performances in the last few weeks, from concerts to one-woman theater productions to experimental dance theater and ballet. I'll save the long explanations in favor of posting a few photos. I'm finally accessing the Internet from home, so I hope to post more regularly henceforth. We'll see if it actually happens . . . I'm having a hard time squeezing personal writing into the mix of Arabic studies, over-socializing, and freelance stuff. But, one can always find the time if one looks hard enough, and if one sacrifices society participation, which I am not opposed to doing. Did I ever tell you that I'm a bit antisocial? It's true—I'd much rather read a book than go to a party, I'm just a pushover and I can't resist temptation. How many times have I regretted staying out well into the witching hours, when I could've been at home, reading, sleeping, etc.?

Cairo is not a city that favors the homebody, that's for sure. There's always something going on, and there's always someone to twist your arm. I live with someone who twists my arm daily, and I'm only just learning to fight back.

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